Site Members: Approving a New Member

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The Members Area lets you choose if new members get approved automatically, or manually after your review. To approve or block pending requests, head over to the member list in your site's dashboard. 
In this article, learn how to approve a new member:

Approving a site member from the member list

As you're viewing your member list in the dashboard, you can approve new members in a single click from the Pending tab. 

To approve a site member from the member list:

  1. Go to Site Members in your site's dashboard. 
  2. Click Pending next to Site Members.
  3. Click Approve next to the relevant member(s).
A screenshot of the Pending tab in the Site Members dashboard.

Approving a site member after viewing their info

Need to learn a little more about a new member before approving them? You can view the information they signed up with first, and then make your decision. 

To approve a member after viewing their info:

  1. Go to Site Members in your site's dashboard. 
  2. Click Pending next to Site Members.
  3. Click the relevant member to open their Contact Card.
  4. View the details the member signed up with. 
  5. When ready, click Approve under Member Info.
A screenshot of clicking Approve in a member's Contact Card.


Click a question below to learn more about approving a new member. 

