Wix Video: Allowing Video Downloads

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Wix Video lets you set download permissions for each video in your library. You can choose to allow downloads either for free or for a price, or prevent visitors from being able to download the video at all.

To allow video downloads:

  1. Go to your Video Library.
  2. Select the checkboxes next to the videos visitors can download.
A screenshot showing a video in the Video Library being selected.
  1. Click Set Pricing at the top of the video list.
  2. Select an option: 
    • Free: Visitors can watch the videos for free. Click the Download options drop-down and select Allow download.
    • Paid: Visitors must pay to watch the video. 
      1. Select the Video can be purchased checkbox.
      2. Enter the video price. 
      3. Click the Download options drop-down and select Allow downloads. Note: Videos which can only be rented cannot be downloaded. 
  3. Click the Download options drop-down and select Allow downloads.
  4. (Optional) Enter the Price.
  5. 保存をクリックする。
If you don't want visitors to be able to download your videos, simply select No downloads under the Download options, or offer your video for rent instead of purchase. 
Visitors can only download videos when viewing your site on desktop. They cannot download videos on mobile. 

