ADI: Saving, Previewing and Publishing Your Site

4 min read
When you make changes to your site in ADI, they are automatically saved. Once you have made changes, you can preview them to see what they look like live, and when you are happy with your site, you can publish to get it online.

Saving your site

For your convenience, your ADI site is automatically saved as you are working on it and auto-save cannot be removed
You can leave ADI at any time and when you come back to edit your site, it will be exactly as you left it. To leave ADI, simply close the browser or close the tab that you are working in.

Previewing your site

You can preview your site to see what it looks like to visitors on both desktop and mobile. This is a great way to test how new changes and updates look before publishing them. 

To preview your site:

  1. Click Preview on the top bar inside ADI.
A screenshot of the Preview button at the top of the ADI Builder.
  1. Browse your site.
  2. (Optional) Click the mobile icon in the top bar to preview your mobile site.
  3. Click Edit Site on the top left to go back to editing mode.

Publishing your site

Publish your site when you're ready for the changes to go live. You can publish your site at any time from the top toolbar of the ADI Builder. 
Once you publish your site, you can still edit it as much as you want. Whenever you make a change, just publish again to make sure the changes go live.

To publish your site:

  1. Click Publish on the top bar inside ADI.
A screenshot of the Publish button at the top of the ADI Builder.
  1. Choose the type of domain you want and click Publish & Continue.
  2. Click View Site to see your site live online.
A screenshot of
What's next?
Learn how to connect your domain.


Click a question below to learn more about previewing and publishing your site. 

