ADI: Page Description Meta Tag

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This article refers to Wix ADI. Click here if you are looking for information regarding the Editor. 

What is your page description?

The page description is a Meta Tag. It provides potential site visitors a summary of what your page is about. It is not visible on your site's page, but appears below your title in search results.
Click here to learn how to add your page description.

Tips for writing your page description:

  • Description should not be less than 50 characters or exceed 160 characters (Google trims the description after 160 characters), spaces included.
  • Your Description is an opportunity to advertise your site pages. It allows a user to understand what your pages are about before they are accessed.
  • If possible, try to incorporate your relevant search phrases logically and organically, as part of a description relevant to the page content.
  • Make sure to create a compelling description in order to entice users to click.

