ADI: Adding and Setting Up a Social Bar

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Add a social bar to your site and connect visitors to all your social networks. The social bar displays on all your site's pages and scrolls with your site.

Step 1 | Add a social bar

Most of our site templates already come with a social bar. If you need to, add the Social Bar app to your site.

To add a social bar:

  1. Click Add on the top bar inside ADI.
  2. Click Apps.
  3. Hover over Social Bar and click Add

Next, link your social bar icons to your social network accounts.

To add your social links to your social bar:

  1. Click the social bar in the ADI Builder.
  2. Hover over the social network you want to link to on the left and click the Edit icon .
  3. Paste your social network link in the relevant field.
Want to add more social network links?
You can add additional social networks to the 3 existing networks (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn). Just paste the link to your social network in the Paste your link here field, and the relevant icon is automatically added.

Step 3 | Customize your social bar

Choose a design for your social bar to complement your site, and change its colors to make it stand out.

To customize your social bar:

  1. Hover over the social bar in the ADI Builder and click Social Bar.
  2. Customize the bar using the following options:
    • Design: Click Design and choose from 4 design options.
    • Colors: Click a color on the color palette to apply it to your social bar.
      ヒント クリック Edit site colors to completely change the colors available for your social bar.
Removing social links or hiding social icons does not delete the app from your site. Click the Edit icon on the social bar and click Delete to remove the social bar from your site.

