Wix Partners: Levels in the Partner Program

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In the Wix Partner Program, you advance to new levels as you earn points for building Premium sites and completing certifications. For each level you achieve, you unlock new benefits.
You can achieve 4 levels in the Wix Partner Program:
To check your current level and points:
Click View Points in the Partner level section of the Partner dashboard homepage to get a breakdown of your earned points in the Premium Sites and Certifications tabs.

Wix Pioneer

Your level is Pioneer if you've joined the Partner Program, but haven't yet earned 1000 points. 
A screenshot of the Pioneer level in the Partner Level section of the dashboard.
As a Pioneer you receive the following benefits:

Wix Creator

Your level is Creator once you earn 1000 points in the Partner Program.
A screenshot of Creator level in the Wix Partner Program.
As a Creator you unlock:
  • Partner Badge: Download your Partner badge to display it proudly on your website.

Wix Icon

Your level is Icon once you earn 2000 points in the Partner Program.
A screenshot of the Icon level in the Wix Partner program.
As an Icon you unlock the following benefits:
  • Wix Marketplace Eligibility: Grow your business and expand your client base by applying to join the Wix Marketplace. Apply to join the Wix Marketplace and showcase your work to get matched with potential clients. 
  • Access to Partner Success Team: Get hands-on guidance and support from the Partner Success Team.

Wix Legend

You've reached the top level, Legend, once you earn 5000 points in the Partner Program. 
A screenshot of reaching the top level, Legend in the Wix Partner program.
As a Legend you unlock:
  • Revenue Share: Earn up to 20% revenue share whenever a site you create is upgraded to a Yearly, 2 Year, or 3 Year Premium plan.

