Wix Editor: Uploading Your Own Vector Art

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Vector art is a fun, cool way to bring your site to life. You can add your own vector art by uploading files through the Editor at any time, and even customize them to suit your site's feel.


Uploading Your Own Vector Art

Get started uploading your own files through the Media Manager in the Editor. You can upload as many files as you want, and each SVG can be up to 250KB. 
Animated SVG files are not supported on Wix.

To upload vector art files:

  1. Click Media on the left side of the Editor.
  2. をクリックする。 Upload Media アイコン .
  3. Select your file(s) from your computer.
  4. (Optional) Click Add to Page to add it to your site.
  • SVG files usually contain a lot of redundant information such as editor metadata, comments, hidden elements and other stuff that can be safely removed without affecting visual result.
  • Wix uses industry standard tools to sanitize your SVG and prevent malicious code from being uploaded on your site so it remains safe for your visitors.
  • Make sure the SVG files you upload don't contain embedded images (JPG, PNG, etc.).
  • Check that the SVG files you upload contain visual content, otherwise, the upload will fail.

Customizing Your Vector Art Files

Uploaded vector art is categorized into one of the four types:
  • Basic shapes
  • Vector art with one color
  • Vector art with 2-8 colors
  • Vector art in greyscale
The customization options will vary depending on the type of vector art the file has been identified as. Some options available include fill, borders, and shadow. Learn More

To customize vector art files:

  1. Click the vector art.
  2. をクリックする。 Design アイコン .
  3. Choose from the available options to adjust the file's design. 
If the uploaded SVG file contains elements/content which we can not customize properly via our current Editor functionality, it will labeled as "non-editable". The customization of such files can only be done with external tools before uploading it to your Wix Site Editor. 

