Changing Your Premium or Studio Plan

読了目安: 3分
If you purchased a Premium plan or a Studio plan, you can change to a different plan (of the same duration) at any time. For example, if you are currently on a monthly plan, you can change to any other plan with a monthly subscription period. 

Changing your plan

  1. Go to Premium Subscriptions in your Wix account.
  2. をクリックする。 その他のアクション アイコン next to the relevant plan. 
  3. Click Change Plan.
A screenshot showing the Change Plan option for a Wix Premium subscription.
  1. Select the plan you want to change to.
  2. Follow the steps on screen depending on your choice of plan change.

Alternative instructions

There are some exceptions where changing your plan is not possible. Please follow the alternative instructions below if either of the following applies to you: 
  • You want to change a plan that was transferred from another account.
  • The Change Plan button does not appear for you.

Video tutorial

