","Replace \"blogname\" with your username. If you're using a custom domain, replace \"blogname.tumblr.com\" with your domain.","Go to your Wix Editor.","クリック ","エレメントの追加 ","エディターの左側にある","Click Embed Code.","Click Embed HTML.","Copy and paste the code you modified from step 2 into the Add your code here (HTTPS only) field. ","Click Update. ","(Optional) Enter alt text that describes what you're embedding in the What's in the embed? Tell Google field. ","準備ができたら、サイトを公開する。 ","Embedding a single Tumblr post","Embed specific posts from your Tumblr blog on your Wix site. This is a great way to showcase additional content that your site visitors might like to see. ","To embed a Tumblr post:","Log in to Tumblr.","Go to the social post that you want to embed.","Click the Share icon ",".","Click Embed.","Copy the code.","Go to your Wix Editor. ","Paste the Tumblr code you previously copied.","Click Update.","これは役に立ったか?","はい","|","いいえ","この記事では","関連コンテンツ","The Blogger Feed App is No Longer Available","あなたのサイトの目標達成をお手伝いするWixパートナーをご紹介します。","マッチング","ウェブサイトビルダー","Wixの特徴","アプリマーケット","ウェブサイトのアクセシビリティ","モバイル・アプリ・ビルダー","オンラインストア","オンライン予約","レストランウェブサイト","ブログサイト","ポートフォリオサイト","eコマースサイト","エンタープライズ・ソリューション","学生ウェブサイト","プロフェッショナル・ツール","学ぶ","プライバシー&セキュリティ・ハブ","SEOラーニング・ハブ","Wix百科事典","虐待の報告","システム状況","会社名","プレス&メディア","投資家情報","ウィックス・キャピタル","アクセシビリティ・ステートメント","特許通知","サイトマップ","採用情報","Wixウェブサイトビルダーは、エンタープライズグレードのインフラやビジネス機能から、高度なSEOやマーケティングツールまで、完全なソリューションを提供します。","について","お問い合わせ","利用規約","プライバシーポリシー","© 2006-2024 Wix.com, Inc"]}

Embedding Your Tumblr Blog and Posts

読了目安: 5分
Embed your Tumblr blog content on your Wix site by coping the embed code from Tumblr and pasting it in your Editor. You can choose to embed your entire Tumblr blog or a single blog post.

Embedding your Tumblr blog

Let your site visitors experience your Tumblr content by embedding your Tumblr blog on your Wix site.

To embed your Tumblr blog:

  1. Copy the following code:
    <script type='text/javascript' src='https://blogname.tumblr.com/js'></script>
  2. Replace "blogname" with your username. If you're using a custom domain, replace "blogname.tumblr.com" with your domain.
A screenshot showing the code that needs to be copied in order to embed your Tumblr blog.
  1. Go to your Wix Editor.
  2. クリック エレメントの追加  エディターの左側にある
  3. Click Embed Code.
  4. Click Embed HTML.
A screenshot of the the Add Elements panel showing the option to Embed HTML.
  1. Copy and paste the code you modified from step 2 into the Add your code here (HTTPS only) field. 
  2. Click Update
  3. (Optional) Enter alt text that describes what you're embedding in the What's in the embed? Tell Google field. 
  4. 準備ができたら、サイトを公開する。 

Embedding a single Tumblr post

Embed specific posts from your Tumblr blog on your Wix site. This is a great way to showcase additional content that your site visitors might like to see. 

To embed a Tumblr post:

  1. Log in to Tumblr.
  2. Go to the social post that you want to embed.
  3. Click the Share icon .
  4. Click Embed.
A screenshot showing the option to share and embed a blog post on Tumblr.
  1. Copy the code.
  2. Go to your Wix Editor. 
  3. クリック エレメントの追加  エディターの左側にある
  4. Click Embed Code.
  5. Click Embed HTML.
An screenshot showing the Add Elements panel and the option to Embed HTML.
  1. Paste the Tumblr code you previously copied.
  2. Click Update.
  3. (Optional) Enter alt text that describes what you're embedding in the What's in the embed? Tell Google field. 
  4. 準備ができたら、サイトを公開する。 

