Pricing Plans: Viewing and Downloading Analytics Reports

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Wix Analytics offers a variety of sales reports to help you monitor your pricing plan sales. Choose how you want to view or present the information and customize the reports to suit your needs. 
You can fully customize the information you see in your reports. Learn more about customizing how you view data in your reports.

To view or download a report:

  1. Go to Pricing Plans in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click View Full Report under Analytics Overview. 
  3. Choose the relevant report from the reports drop down at the top.
  1. Select the report view from the following options:
    • Line chart: View the report data as a line. 
    • Bar Chart Split: View the data as a bar chart, with each subscription sold shown in a different color. 
    • Table: View a table showing subscriptions sold. 
  1. Click Download in the top right. 
  2. Choose a file format: Excel, CSV or Image.

You can also click Reports under Analytics & Reports in your dashboard menu to view your pricing plans reports.

Scroll down the main reports page to the Subscriptions and click the relevant report or click show more reports. 

